Austin Essinger

Coding one bit at a time

My Projects

RGB Color Game

Color Game Screenshot

Front End Mentor Challenge

Frontend Mentor Challenge Screenshot

JS DrumKit

JavaScript Drumkit Screenshot

JS Clock

JavaScript Clock Screenshot
Image of Austin

Stay Awhile and Listen!

Hello, I'm a web developer based in Findlay, Ohio. I graduated From Owens Community College with an Associates Degree in Computer Programming Tech with a 3.5 GPA, after having attended Millstream Career Center. I was continually praised by my peers and professors for my hard work. I take pride in all my work whether it's building a computer for someone or working on an automation script for someone, I always give it my all. If you want to get a hold of me send me an E-mail

Now that we got the boring stuff out of the way, some of my hobbies include reading, working on computer projects and playing video games. I enjoy reading all genre of books. My favorite series are Harry Potter and The Five Kingdoms. I enjoy working with my Raspberry Pi and building PC's for people. I'm an avid gamer, my all time favorite game is Diablo II. I have logged 100's of hours playing over the years

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"
-Michael Scott

Need to get a hold of me?

Send me an email using this nifty form, or get ahold of me using the links below the form